Friday 31 January 2014

Work is 24/7 in your own company - Even when you're high

I love running my own company and wouldn't change that for the world. However work is 24/7 and it doesn't stop, even on holiday. A friend of mine who is also a CEO of his company recently took a trip to Amsterdam and as most tourists do headed straight for the coffee shop. Needless to say his party were baked in the middle of the day and ended up out of their minds...until work called. The company has several investors so as something goes wrong he HAS to be at the end of the phone.

Unfortunately this was one of those times and the poor guy stoned out of his mind had to rush back to the hotel to fix the issue. I always remind myself of the funny side of this story as I think it's important when running your own company. 'Love what you do because it becomes your baby', not just the way you love it but the maintenance too!

Thursday 30 January 2014

Switching off to Standby and Switching off Completely

It's come to my attention that there is a difference between switching off your brain to standby, and switching off completely. The former often results in little relaxation and an underlying feeling of stress that you just can't get rid of. Switching off completely on the other hand is taking a break from the busy lifestyle you may have, calming the activity in the brain and the fact that there might also be a higher quality of relaxation.

Sleeping - Your brain is still active at night and having vivid dreams (induced by stress) can often mean you don't get the winks you need. I have often felt like this has put me on standby.

 Watching TV - Yes you may be watching your favorite program, or mindlessly flicking through the channels but this distraction from a busy day isn't the same. Your brain is still active while taking in what is happening on the screen your not always getting the most relaxing experience.

The most important thing to remember when switching off is that you are trying to minimize you thoughts and calm the brain. There is one activity that I highly recommend to anyone with a fast and busy life it only take 10 minutes per day to feel refreshed and ready to take on world. 

Mediation - this is super simple just focus on one colour you feel in the mood for, close your eyes and try to keep you mind on the colour. If you feel yourself thinking about other things, this is normal and mediation doesn't work instantly its something to develop. By doing mediation you are naturally calming your brain. I have found that 10 minutes of mediation before bed does wonders and can often lead to a more peaceful nights sleep. Don't believe me? Try it!  - Here is a link to a guided 20 minute mediation that I found useful aimed at relaxation, ideal for beginners.



Kimmy x

Wednesday 29 January 2014


Although I have written for my company, Support Young Talent, I haven't been able to share with that audience things I come across while building a business. 

The point of this blog is to share my ideas, life lesson and a place to hear about my ventures from my own perspective. Often I meet some of the most inspirational people but I lack the platform to tell people about it. I'm not one for sharing my life story so the plan is to make this as engaging, fun and useful as possible for others who maybe in a similar position. 

Kimmy x

Getting started...