Sunday 16 February 2014

Top 10 Tips on Networking

Networking can be intimidating and some people avoid it altogether. It's not a magic formula that needs to be uncovered or something you are just born with. However networking techniques are out there and can be taught but they are nothing special. Here are my top 10 tips to networking that always work for me. 

# ONE - Just Smile... Genuinely!
Never underestimate how far a smile can go. I know it sounds cheesy but really it does go a long way. Whenever I meet people for the first time the first thing I do is greet them with a smile. Immediately your body language will open up, and this 'stranger' will see you invite them in as a friendly face. I get told I smile a lot and laugh too (probably a little too much) but its better than being the grumpy one in the room. One extra tip would be to smile genuinely rather than just any old smile. How do these differ? Well a genuine smile can be seen in your eyes and your mouth, think about it when you are next laughing, rather than just smiling from your mouth.

#TWO - Keep an Open Mind
There is no way you can begin to network when you have preconceptions of people before hand or you judge them on the way they are dressed or look. You have to remove this completely. What happens if you meet someone who is your next big investor or worse someone who could be your next best friend and you don't give them the time of day because they are wearing tracksuit bottoms? You are inhibiting yourself by eliminating people you may deep down be fearful of or intimidated by. Make sure you are aware of when you are casting a preconception we all do it out of habit but take a chance to speak to everyone...what's the harm?

#THREE - Find a Friend
I recently went to an event by myself and knew there would be a lot of music industry professionals there that could potentially be great contacts. However I did feel intimidated and thought that I might be on my own for most of the night. I consciously made the decision to find a friend to network with that night. It was as simple as turning around to the girl next to me in the queue and asking "so how did you find out about this event?" As a result we are still in contact, she introduced me to some of her friends who happened to be a great link to get some of our artists into some top London venues.

#FOUR - Be Outgoing 
Confidence is always the common denominator in attractiveness for men and women. So why would networking be any different? I've found the most confident (not always the loudest) person in the room, to be the one person most people have been drawn to. If you are feeling shy, the best thing to do is fake it 'til you make it! Think of someone you believe is super confident and say to yourself 'what would they do in this situation and how would they act?' and be them for the night.

#FIVE - Asking the Questions
People love to talk about themselves, so the best way to make a friend quickly is to ask as many questions about them as possible. Keep them talking about their ventures and their experiences and so on. Not only will you gain a friendship but you will uncover what that person does for a living or hobby which might be beneficial to your business or build on a stronger friendship.

#SIX - Set Your Goals
Have a goal when setting out for a networking meeting. You know what type of field most people at the event will be in so use this to your advantage. I will normally go into an event saying I will be giving out 5 business cards minimum or I will be approaching .... for a video interview. Set your goals to make the event worth your while, don't just linger. If you can find a friend make a healthy competition out of it and see who can give out the most cards in the evening.

#SEVEN - Presentation is Key
You shouldn't judge people by their clothing or appearance but this doesn't mean people won't judge you. Go in with the best odds by presenting yourself the best way you can. Be formally dressed but with a little bit of personality. Look clean, professional, carry mints and smell good.

 #EIGHT - Let People Find You After the Event
Never leave the house or go to an event without business cards. If people have had a great conversation with you make sure they can find you. Always make sure your cards are accessible and never be afraid to give out a card even if people have not asked for one. As soon as you are about to leave a conversation follow it up with a goodbye, card and possibly the next step or time you will be in contact. These cards represent you, so make them good!

#NINE - Be Nice 
If you can't be nice then go home. Open with a compliment when you are first meeting someone as a good conversation starter. First impressions might last a long time for some people, so make sure you aren't giving the wrong one. You have chosen to go to the event, so make the most of it and make friends. This is an obvious point but you'd be surprised how many people get this wrong.

#TEN - They are Probably Thinking the same Thing
Many times I've felt scared and intimidated by various people at an event to even approach someone, but what I've found is most likely they are feeling the same way. So keep that in mind when you approach someone out of the blue. That same person is probably waiting to be talked to by you. Greet them confidently and with a smile and they will most likely do the same, treat them how you would like to be treated.

Love Kimmy x


  1. These are great tips, Kimmy. My top tip would be to always make sure you think how you and your network could help the person you are talking to.

  2. I agree such a key thing! Thanks for your input and sharing your experience
