Wednesday 19 February 2014

My Top 3 Female Entrepreneurs

It's always important to have someone you admire and can frequently draw inspiration from as it often gets you through the hard times in business. You will realise you aren't on your own and look to others who have maybe been in your situation and how they coped with it. That's why I have my top 3 entrepreneurs. This post is also a reminder to the many that I ask "name me a female entrepreneur", the most common reply; a blank stare and the remark "ooo...there aren't very many". This is not true!

Karren Brady -

"People are scared of change, whereas I like it. I like the challenge of it."


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Successes:  Received CBE, director of Sports Newspaper at the age of 20, named as Business Woman of the Year 2007, Vice Chairman of West Ham FC in 2010.

 Having started working full time at the age of 18 at Saatchi & Saatchi and making it to Director of Sports Newspapers by the age of 20, Karren Brady is one woman who know the value of true hard work. Although she now sits as Vice Chairman of West Ham football club and is often referred to as 'the first woman in football' it's important not to forget that this young woman worked her butt off to get there. True dedication and an open mind to a challenge is something that can be taught but its better if you can just harness the business aspects and run with it. Understanding what drives a consumer can be underestimated and if understood can be a miracle your business needs. Karren has launched her career from so young and made it look so effortless.

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Anita Roddrick 

"My job is to inspire. But we have a bloody business to run."

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Successes: Founder of The Body Shop, activist on animal rights, DBE in 2003, OBE in 1988, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Honouree in 1997.

A hard-nosed and business woman with a string passion and core values at heart - that's something I can draw on for inspiration. I try to add a little bit of Roddrick's strength in her business to my own and make sure everyday that I am sticking true to my values and why I began the business in the first place. This inspirational woman founded The Body Shop protecting the rights of animals and when she passed away in 2007 still held true to those values. Everyone can do with forming their core values in their business and be reminded of them everyday.

Marie Forleo  -

"I’m known to deliver the most innovative and highest quality small business and personal development training in the industry."

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Successes: Established multi-million dollar business over the course of the last 13 years, 190,000 subscribers in 191 countries around the world, 4 top selling fitness DVDs, best-seller book.
Not only has this young woman been super successful in marketing herself and image in such a short period of time, but her vibe undoubtedly will put you in a good mood. She is focused on helping others (particularly women) in accomplishing their goals in business but is also very aware of succeeding in personal development and retaining femininity. Marie currently features on her own YouTube channel answering questions from her audience to make sure that the wants and needs of her viewers are fulfilled. This for me is something that makes her stand out from the hundreds of female entrepreneurs out there today...she gets it. Understanding your audience is something we all can struggle with but if you need someone to guide you, this is your woman. Having interviewed and worked with the likes of Richard Branson, Tony Robbins and Oprah, Marie's credentials are ones to be trusted.  

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Kimmy x

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