Saturday 15 February 2014

Prioritising Work - The ABCD Rule

I have a problem which I noticed a year or two back about finding a way to manage my work. I was constantly stressed, procrastinated and overwhelmed, all due to taking on too much at once. However, I didn't want to give up the projects that I was working on. I made the decision I was going to be super organised, plan ahead and make sure if there was a spare moment I was relieving the work by working on the next due tasks. Sound like hard work...well if you don't want to drop the projects you already have, then what other choice do you have?

Its surprising how much this technique reduced the stress in my life and even opened up free time for me to take time out. Tasks were done with more quality and as a result my grades improved at university by 20%. If you have a similar problem with task management follow these few tips:

1) List all the tasks you need to complete - however large or small, long or short.
2) Look at all the tasks you have written and if you can complete any tasks in 2 minutes...then do them now and cross them off as you complete them.
3) Label each of the remaining tasks with a simple ABCD rule.

A- Immediately important and urgent with large consequences if not completed
B- Immediately important and urgent with little consequences if not completed
C- Not urgent and little consequence if not completed
D- Task can be delegated elsewhere

4) Immediately delegate all tasks labelled D and cross off as many tasks labelled C
5) Now begin to work through the tasks labelled A. Apply the rule that you are not allowed to work on any other tasks until all A tasks are complete, then all B tasks and finish with all C tasks.

Happy working and let me know of your successes below!

Love Kimmy x

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