Monday 27 October 2014

Top Two Funding Platforms for Entrepreneurs Under 25

Over the last year or so I have received funding from several funding platforms, all of which have helped my confidence, my network and the business grow. I have been given fantastic opportunities to meet other entrepreneurs in my age bracket who have become close friends. My mentors include those at the top of their field in tech, media and business. Needless to say I feel blessed to have the right people around me. However, out of all these programs I have selected my top two that I would recommend to any other young entrepreneur out there looking to launch a business venture or social enterprise. 

#1 - O2 Think Big

Who is it for? The age range for Think Big is aimed at young people looking to start a community interest project to improve a social issue in their area. The program is part of O2's corporate social responsibility program for people aged between 13-25 years old.

What support do they offer? Think Big O2 focus on offering mentoring support, business training and funding on three levels. Starting at the initial £300 for the Think Big Scheme, £2500 for Think Bigger, and a final round of up to £10,000 through the UnLtd and O2 join scheme. The final stage includes a residential weekend with 30 other young startups to go through training and build your network. In addition you are invited to participate in events and press releases are sent out on your behalf. For example through my time with O2 Think Big I featured in the Yorkshire Evening Post twice and had the chance to write an article for the Huffington Post. The events I attended included the opening of the Wayra Centre in London hosted by the Deputy Prime Minster, Nick Clegg. The support team within this initiative is particularly willing to help all applicants, although it can be a little patronising at times, it is definitely worth the application.
How do you apply? Online - Follow the link to see the full details of applying

#2 - UnLtd

Who is it for? UnLtd make a strong point of supporting all social entrepreneurs that come in all shapes and sizes, the youngest of which I have met was 12! I must stress that this is ONLY for social entrepreneurs (those that run a business tackling a social issue).

What support do they offer? A large mentoring network, funding and training in business. UnLtd really encourage a community of social entrepreneurs and hold free events for those on the program to socialise. I have personally attended events to hear to stories of other entrepreneurs to discuss how they got started, look for collaboration and build my own support network. Throughout the program the mentoring has introduced me to tech experts, music experts and has helped with producing the legal documents for the business. In addition to events and mentoring the training weekend that UnLtd offer is excellent with business professional taking the time to go through legal structures, brand development and answer any other questions you may have about starting your business. However, the weekend is also a chance to meet people who are also starting up in your age group. I would highly recommend this platform to anyone who is looking for life long friends that can support you through your journey. 
How do you apply? Online - Follow the link below to see full details of applying

Good luck and feel free to tweet me @kimmydickson1 if you have any questions with applying.

Kimmy x

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