Monday 3 November 2014

On a personal note...When you feel like you can't do business

This week I had decided to post something a little more personal, so I hope it helps someone in some way. I wanted to give light of how to handle those times when your personal life becomes unstable and yet business does not stop when running your own enterprise. These are difficult times, and with a lack of motivation can be handle badly, leading to becoming overwhelmed as the 'to-do' list stacks up. However help is on the way.

 Over the last week my personal life took a jarring turn after I had been emotionally hurt by someone close to me that I deeply admired. As a result, I had to make the decision to leave them for my own well-being although I still cared for them. In short it was a break-up that I was not planning. Worse yet I didn't have time to breathe and take in what had happened. With three of the biggest partnerships of my life happening right in front of my eyes and the phone not stopping, the only way I was going to get through this was to find closure as quick as possible. As quoted by Indian billionaire Naveen Jain;

"business is like war you need to take care of your mind, body and soul before you begin"


 Safe to say I felt i could just hide from the world this week and eat like no tomorrow. However, I had a few tricks up my sleeve to get me back on par, as hiding was not an option. 

Routine Is Key


When feeling overwhelmed, it can be tempting just to stay in bed and hide from the world. Once it gets to 10 am or 11 you are two times more likely to do so. Make sure you become an early riser and make the most of your mornings. Getting several tasks completed in the morning will make you feel more confident about getting to the bottom of your 'to-do' list.


Family and Friends Are There For Those Times


Never underestimate the power of your support network. Family and friends are for those tough times. My best friend has been a rock of support and living my brother couldn't have been more of a blessing. Both are strong people that clearly have positive intentions to look out for me and those are the people you need around you. A lot of people will give you their opinions on the situation you are going through but those who have your best interest at heart are usual the ones who turn out to be right.


Spiritual Connection


Whether you are religious or just spiritual get back in touch with this aspect of your life. We all need to feel a rate of progression and development in all aspects of our life otherwise we begin to feel negatively about ourselves and regress into a depressive cycle. Spirituality is a way to form closure and invest in your own development. Personally, I turn to meditation for a spiritual connection of my own.




Being grateful for the small things can put the whole situation in perspective. Due to our busy lives we forget that there are good thing all around us that can be so basic. Writing down just ten things each day you are grateful for can open your eyes to the incredible people, place, landscapes, opportunities, connections and many more we each take for granted everyday. Your world will become a lot more beautiful.


Choose to be Happy


Choose to be happy? Well, yeah remember that in any situation that you are put in you still have a choice. So you are going through a tough time well how you deal with that is down to your perception of the situation.


Treat Yourself


Try a new experience or just plain treat yourself. There is nothing better than really indulging for an hour or two a day. It could just be a bubble bath or a spa day but make sure there is time for you to pamper. When we get stressed or too busy we forget how important this time is. You make meetings and time for others so why would you compromise the meeting with yourself?


Music is the Master of Your Mood


There is a reason I am in the music industry...because one song can change everything. I love the power of music and the way it can make you feel. I can instantly switch your mood so make sure you blast out some good songs when 


Reflect and Move Forward


Of course all these things help to get you moving when going through a tough time but it is important not to just use them as a distraction. Take the time to think about what happened to get you into this place. Use this bad experience as a positive to move forward to know what it is you want from life. Reflection is a key part of a healing process, so don't over look this.


Treat Someone Else 


As human beings we are said to get more satisfaction helping others than ourselves. Running a company called Support Young Talent I can say from experience this is 100% true. So when you are feeling low treat someone else, volunteer and give. Karma will come back around and help you too.


Get Out the House


Go and meet new people, new friends, get in touch with old friends or just find some inspiration outside of the house and a computer. Running an enterprise can mean you are glued to the computer a lot of the time so a frequent reminder of 'the real world' can never do any harm. 

Exercise your Brain and Body


Being healthy and keeping fit will be a massive confidence booster for you during these tough times. When you eat good and feel good life becomes that little bit easier to handle. Get your diet right by drinking plenty of water. Get your body right by increasing your flexibility. I have recently cut out red meat and it has improved my diet and weight dramatically. Instead I now eat fish and white meat as well as making sure I alkalize my body every morning with greens to improve my digestive system. Running is a great way to relieve stress and release tension in muscle cramp from stress. 

If there are any other healthy tips you use to get through difficult times let me know in the comments, I'd love to try them out. 

Kimmy x